This article will show you how to add a presplit row to the back of a shot design in Strayos.
Adding the drill holes
1) Design the body of the shot the same way you normally would
2) In the sidebar, scroll to the bottom of the hole list and click "Add Row"
3) In the "Add Row" dialogue, enter the burden (rule of thumb is ~1/2 of the pattern burden) and offset (a good starting point is to use (-1/2) x spacing). The Azimuth is likely the same as your back row so this can remain unchanged. Then click "Copy" and close the "Add Row" dialogue.
4) Delete all the holes on the row except the first hole. You can delete a hole by clicking the "x" next to that hole in the sidebar.
5) Double click on the remaining hole. (optional) edit the hole diameter and inclination if you are using parameters for the presplit row. Then click the "New Hole" tab.
6) Enter the spacing (rule of thumb is 12 x hole diameter) and the required number of holes (it's easiest to overestimate this number and then delete the extra holes later). Then click "Add Holes"
7) Delete or add any extra holes required for the row
8) (Optional) To create a presplit along the side of the shot, click "Add Another A-B Line" and enter the required parameters.
Loading the holes
Note: This is just one way to achieve different loading for the presplit row.
1) Load the entire pattern the way you normally would (e.g. loading all holes to stem height)
2) In the Sidebar, in the Loading Rules section, click the pencil icon to create a load rule for presplit holes. Set the condition to "Else" and design the loading to your requirements. Remember that the "Var" checkbox indicates which deck(s) will expand/contract to fill the length of each hole. Click "Save" when you are done.
3) Hold down Ctrl and drag a box around the presplit holes to select them. Then, ensure that your presplit loading rules are selected in the sidebar dropdown box, and click "Apply To Selected Holes".
You can double click on a hole to check that it has been loaded correctly
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