When faced with designing blast patterns across two perpendicular faces, the design process can become more complex. This tutorial will walk through some best practices to assist:
In situations like above, users can draw an additional AB to supplement the layout on the perpendicular face. One AB line cannot be drawn at a 90 degree angle, however by using the steps pictured below you will be bale to draw a new one in addition:
1.) Draw Row Function
2.) Once drawn, enter the set up for this new AB line. You will notice there is a toggle for "New AB line". If this is toggled on, you new AB line will be considered almost as a separate shot, where you will have it start with row 1. If this setting is toggled off, it will pick up where the rows left off from you original AB line.
Lastly, for identifying specific angles with a measurement line, the "object snap" drawing setting can help highlight the 90 degree line you want to match your AB line to. This can be done by using the 2D drawing measurement tool, and toggling on the Object snap function.
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