Strayos offers a GeoTiff export option that can then be brought into several different software's. Here, we will show how the file can be imported and overlayed in Google Earth.
First, navigate to the download menu on the top right toolbar and choose the GeoTiff as a download option.
Once the download is completed, open Google Earth on your device and navigate to the Import option under File.
Choose GeoTiff as a file type and then select the downloaded GeoTiff from Strayos.
Google Earth will then navigate to the location and ask how you would like to overlay the image. To view a complete image of the Orthophoto in correct scale, select the Create Super Overlay option.
Google Earth will then ask where to write the Super overlay data. We recommend creating a separate folder on your device where the files can be located in. Once complete, the image will import and appear to scale.
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