Utilizing Strayos and its powerful AI, users can upload their own Mine and Quarry DXF design modules to their drone processed data. With users design modules in place, Strayos has a Compliance module to compare features within the site regarding the following measurable factors. These include Crest Loss, Toe Flare, Under break and Over Break, Batter and Berm, as well as Effective Catch Capacity.
To begin, navigate to the site you wish to upload your DXF to. In the link embedded above, follow the steps to uploading the appropriate DXF file you are looking to measure conformance too. Once uploaded, navigate to the Highwall Safety AI module.
In this module, users will want to select Compliance Check, and manage the DXFs that have been uploaded. By selecting the appropriate file, users can visualize and run the analysis for each application they are looking to measure. In the example below, a Crest and Toe DXF has been uploaded, where the user can now check the compliance in the categories listed above, also seen in the lefthand toolbar.
Crest Loss/Toe Flare:
Effective Catch Capacity:
Over/Under Break:
Additionally, selected areas can be reported as profiles or polygons. Below is an example of a cross-section drawn, forming a profile comparing the design file to the model flown.
The Compliance Report will generate an automated report with the option to include reported areas from the model. On the report, several graphs will highlight the data based on the set thresholds from the model, showcasing the Cumulative % and Frequency of the feature being measured.
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