Strayos allows the integration of .DXF files to be uploaded as a layer within datasets. To begin, it is important to understand what outcome you are trying to visualize or quantify when bringing in your DXF file to Strayos. These files are often large with many layers, so we recommend isolating the select layers of interest within the CAD software being used, before importing into Strayos. For this example, we will be importing a design contour file to produce a Cut Fill Drawing.
Starting with the job you would like to import your DXF design to, under the Designs and Layers tab, click Import Design layer at the bottom right hand corner. Here, you can import the DXF from your computer. It is important to know if you are looking to visualize the DXF in 3D, or if you are just importing polyline drawings.
The first option supports 2D, while the 3D option will render the DXF surface.
When your file is chosen, the menu will appear on how yo would like the DXF to be interpreted. In this context, we will choose the contour option. The EPSG code will auto populate based on the DXF file and model coordinates.
Once uploaded, you can toggle the layer on and off in the bottom left hand corner, and view the DXF as a layer on your model.
From here, to analyze the Cut/Fill data, navigate to the Cut Fill module where users can select which elevation model they are looking to compare the design DXF to (DSM vs DTM). Also, here the gradation of colors can be customized, as well as contour intervals and specific reporting areas. These reporting areas can be downloaded as PDFs.
This DXF file upload process is the same for any application users are looking to compare design data to. Multiple DXF files can be uploaded to one job, to compare several designs or to track progress within one jobs earthmoving operations. Contours from Strayos can also be exported as a DXF seen in the video below.
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