To create Highwall Profiles, select the appropriate site and click on Highwall AI. Next, you have the option to annotate a Line path or Polygon for a selected area you wish to create a profile for. Here, both options are drawn:
For the Polygon annotation, you have the following histogram options:
Looking at Highwall Heights, the histogram will show respective heights and the correlating length of each height in the area drawn. You can customize the bins in the histogram to cluster the heights. You can do the same for highwall angle, catch bench width, and inter-ramp angle.
For the Line annotation, a profile will appear showcasing the length of the profile and the inter-ramp
angles. This can be compared to a design .DXF or exported as one. As a report, you can download the entire Highwall report with your selected annotations to download as a PDF, showing all features.
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